A Thoughtful Woman's Guide on What to Write In a Greeting Card

Greeting cards are an all-American sensation. Americans spent nearly $900 million on greeting cards for Valentine’s Day 2018. 

It is always a good idea to write a greeting card. Yet figuring out what to write in a greeting card is a little tricky. 

How should you start your card? How should you explain your reason for writing the card? Who should the focus of your card be, and how can you conclude your card? 

Answer these questions and you can become a master in how to write a card. Here is your quick guide. 

Find a Good Opening 

As with any piece of writing, you need to write an opening that will hook your reader in. You do not have to get elaborate. 

Pick a salutation that your reader will enjoy. “Dear” is affectionate, while “hello” is polite. “Greetings” can provide an old-school touch that makes for a good formal card. 

Make sure that you add the recipient’s name to your salutation. No one wants to receive a letter that seems generic. The reader will know that the letter is intended for them in particular. 

You should write an entirely handwritten card. If you must type up your card, you should handwrite the opening at a minimum. 

Mention Why You Are Writing 

You do not have to write to someone for a particular purpose. You can send a note just because you want to reconnect or say hello. 

Try to describe a moment that inspired you to write the card. You may have heard a song or visited a place that reminded you of the recipient. Mention that moment and acknowledge the personal connection between the two of you. 

You do not have to mention that you are writing as an apology for something. Try to keep things positive. If you have had a falling-out with someone and you want to atone, you should give them a phone call instead. 

Be Flexible

Many people write a greeting card to mark a particular occasion. What to include in your card should reflect the occasion you are writing for. A card to celebrate a wedding should be more upbeat and informal than a card to commemorate a funeral. 

You should be versatile with the words you use. For an upbeat occasion, feel free to invoke special memories and write with a little humor. A joke about how old someone is can be a nice touch. 

Cards that you write for holidays should reflect the festivities. You should reflect on how important your friendship is with the recipient. You should employ some humor and invoke the terms used to celebrate holidays. 

A get-well card should be cheery. Wish someone well while trying to avoid common cliches. Don’t get technical with the details about their illness. 

A sympathy card should be to the point and reserved. It is okay to recall a memory of the person who passed away. Try to avoid quoting someone else, though it may be appropriate to paraphrase a religious text. 

Feel free to find some greeting card ideas online. Many people like to write guides on what to write in a card. The guides can be helpful if you are having trouble writing a card for a sensitive occasion. 

Affirm the Recipient 

Your card should be about the person reading it. After you acknowledge why you are writing, you should transition to the recipient. Write a few sentences in which you affirm and comfort them. 

Recalling a favorite memory of the two of you is a good way to do that. It reiterates that both of you have a connection to each other.

The memory you select should focus on something they did. It is okay to mention your thoughts on what they did, but keep the focus on their action. 

You can ask them questions about how things are going. Be particular, asking about the welfare of certain people or how they are faring at work. This keeps the focus on them and it opens the door for further communication. 

Finish on a High Note

Your note should not be lengthy. It should fill one side of your card and end before the bottom. Yet it is important to write a good conclusion that will entice the recipient to write back to you. 

One sentence about the importance of your relationship is good. You can then write one sentence that wishes the person well. “I hope everything is going great!” is all you need. 

You should then sign off with your name. You can use a term like “sincerely” or “best wishes” as an endnote. If the recipient does not have your contact information, you can include it at the bottom. 

Decorate Your Greeting Card

You can add visual touches to your greeting card if you desire. You should write the person’s name on the front of the card at a minimum. 

But you can add stickers, paint, and drawings to the card. This is a great way to grab someone’s attention, especially if you are using a blank piece of paper. 

You can get a card that has decorations on it. Touch base with companies like PAPAYA and see what their different options are. But adding your own decorations to a card can seem more personal and unique. 

What to Write In a Greeting Card

You can understand what to write in a greeting card. Get personal from the beginning by greeting your recipient by name. 

Describe an experience that inspired you to write the card. Adjust to the occasion. You can be jovial for happy events, but be appropriate for get-well and sympathy cards. 

Keep the focus on your recipient. End with your name and an expression of your desire to remain in touch. Feel free to add some decorations to the card. 

Greeting cards are one gift you can send to your friends. Find out more by following our coverage.