Congratulations! You just had a baby! Your nine months of bearing the child is finally over and you can hold your precious bundle of joy. Of course, this new little addition to the family must be announced. Gender-reveals has become a viral phenomenon with countless number of couples posting their gender reveals on social media. Although it has received backlash for merging gender with sex and enforcing cultural norms, different ways to announce the baby’s arrivals have been the top thing they considered. Knowing a baby girl is a blessing your home is as sweet as it can get. For your baby announcements cards, there are particular etiquettes on how to.

Pregnancy Bump 

Telling your partner “I’m pregnant!” is exhilarating news for couples. Having a child strengthens the foundation of your relationship with your partner and it’s safe to say it brings a lot of changes too. There’s a lot of decision-making to do from then and one of them is how to announce the arrival. Although it is more thoughtful to tell the news in person, there are some circumstances where you cannot and that’s okay! You can send them a baby card announcement that suits your taste and you know the receiver will love it as well.

Deciding what time to announce requires a tiny bit of calculation. Most women wait for the exact 14th-week date and healthy pregnancy. Waiting till the 20th week is also a popular move because by then you have time to receive the results of the ultrasound and know the gender. This advice has been given by David Garry, MD, director of maternal-fetal medicine at Stony Brook Medicine in Stony Brook, New York. 

There are some rules on how. Don’t be pressured to disclose anything if you’re not comfortable with it. However, do tell your partner right away because they are part of this journey as well and you’ll have someone supporting you during these 9 months. 

Announcement Card

Once the baby girl has arrived and brought to the world, its announcement is an extraordinary moment for the parents. The typical features of a baby girl arrival announcement is that it includes the following information:

  • Name
  • Birthday
  • Weight
  • Length (in inches)
  • Time and place the baby was born (optional)
  • Parent or parents’ name. 

If you are wondering what to write to introduce your little fairy, we suggest these announcements to do the trick:

  • “It’s going to be all about 

Snips and Snails and Puppy Dog Tails Around Here

As we joyfully welcome…”

  • “We’re blushing in pink to have a new baby girl!”
  • “Twinkle, twinkle, little star. Do you know how loved you are? Introducing our baby girl…”

Write a message which comes from the heart and send it to your circle. Make this journey meaningful and special as you grow your family.