Important Supplies You Might Need For Your Pool

Swimming pools are one of the most popular summer activities, and they’re also one of the most expensive. With so many upkeep items required, it’s easy to get overwhelmed with everything you need to buy. This is a helpful list of the chemicals and equipment, you’ll need to maintain and keep your pool clean and your family healthy. Read more about the maintenance on this page.

What Are Some of the Different Supplies?

  • Covers and Skimmers
  • Vacuum
  • Chlorine Floaters
  • Brushes and Nets
  • Solutions like Chlorine, Bromine, and Chemical Test Kits


Some may want to use a skimmer that catches all the non-essential stuff floating on the water’s surface. These include bugs and leaves, and this is something indispensable for maintenance. You can save a lot of time and energy because you can remove the debris or balls in no time. The covers will protect your pool from debris and bugs when it’s not in use.


You don’t have a way around this since you need a vacuum to clean the bottom part most of the time. Small debris, dust, and bugs will settle at the bottom, and they can’t generally be reached with a skimmer net.

There might be a need to attach the hose through the filter if you find that there is plenty of algae. Go slow with this and avoid stirring things too much. Larger pieces of debris can be found at the bottom, but they can be scooped out with a net attached to an extended pole. 

Chlorine Floaters

It’s important to shock the pool and maintain it with enough chlorine from time to time. However, you might find that the floaters can also be helpful where you can add the chlorine tablets during the winter. This can be an excellent addition when you’re not necessarily putting in the chemicals when you’re’ too busy, but there’s still a bit of chlorine going in from time to time. See post about the floater on this page:

Brushes and Nets

You’ll find many options when it comes to choosing brushes and nets. A skimmer can do the job better than a net, but the latter can be a good alternative if you don’t have the former. The skimmer will get most of the stuff settled to the bottom most of the time.

An excellent brush, about 18 inches, can be great for cleaning the walls. They will also be helpful when it comes to removing the algae at the bottom and the sides, so they are one of the must-haves.

Test Kits and Chemicals

If you have sand filters, you’ll need test kits and chemicals, and some of the following are essentials for you:

  • Chlorine in the form of granules and liquid
  • Tablets
  • Shock solutions
  • Algaecide
  • Clarifiers
  • Increasers and Decreasers
  • Test Trips
  • Bromine

These will keep the water safe and maintain a good chlorine level if you open the pool for the summer. Other people may prefer the liquid form and a couple of chlorine tablets to clear the water. Clarifiers will be a great way of keeping the water crystal clear and blue. You need a few hours after adding algaecide and brushing to remove the cloudiness from the water. 

A pH Test Kit: This is used to test the pH level of your pool water. The ideal pH level for pool water is between 7.2 and 7.6. You will need to adjust the acidity or alkalinity of your pool water if the pH level is outside of this range.

Algae remover: Algae can sometimes grow in pools, even when they are well-maintained. If you notice algae starting to form on the surface, you will need to treat it with an algae remover.

Keeping the Water Safe

Important Supplies You Might Need For Your Pool

One of the most important things to consider when owning a swimming pool is safety. There are many different ways to help it keep safe, and it is crucial to be aware of all of them. You can check Watson’s pool supplies or other pool stores for some additional supplies that you might need. With this said, other essentials are the following:

-Covers: Covers are essential for keeping your pool safe when it is not in use. It will help prevent children and animals from falling in and keep debris out of the water. It’s also handy to control insects and bugs from living in the water during wintertime.

-Inflatables: These are ideal additions for small children. If you have inflatables in handy, they tend to splash and play around in the water. Others are even used for drinks and food for the guests that are taking their time swimming.

-Safety signage: All of these amenities should have clearly visible signage warning of the dangers of swimming. This includes signs about depth, maintenance, and any other hazards.

-First aid kit: A first aid kit should be kept near the pool in case of any accidents. It should include items such as bandages, antiseptic wipes, and a resuscitation mask.